welcome C.W. Bryan and Sam Kilkenny to the press


It is with great joy that i welcome C.W. Bryan and Sam Kilkenny to akinoga press as the first duo-project!

C.W. Bryan is the author of two collections of poetry. His debut chapbook Celine: An Elegy was published with Bottlecap Press in 2023. His first full-length collection, No Bird Lives in my Heart was released by In Case of Emergency Press in 2024. He is currently writing with Sam Kilkenny at poetryispretentious.com.

Sam Kilkenny is a nonfiction writer and poet. He is the author of Tuesday Morning: Poems, published by Bottlecap Press in 2023. He is currently writing with C.W. Bryan at poetryispretentious.com. More of his work can be found on the website. When he isn’t writing, you can find him biking around Atlanta, Georgia like a madman.