Pop Culture Poetry cover reveal and preorder announcement


I am BEYOND EXCITED to reveal the cover of Michael B. Tager’s debut full-length collection, Pop Culture Poetry: The Difinitive Collection, which will be releasing on April 9th, 2024.

I’m also beyond excited to announce that it is available for preorder! I know, i know: this is waaaaaay earlier than my usual preorder announcements, but…y’know, be the change you want to see in the world. Or something.

Anyway! Preorders will be shipping out a week or two early (at the end of March) and will also be discounted a bit from $20 to $17, so get a copy while the getting’s good!

Women and Other Angels cover reveal/preorder announcement!


I am so, SO excited to reveal the cover for the next akinoga press book! And to announce that preorders are officially open for Women and Other Angels, by Kelly Burke!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!

It’s been so wonderful to work with Kelly on her debut chapbook! And with Manon de Jong on the cover illustration. Please, PLEASE go check out Manon’s illustration work; she’s amazing.

Also, go get yourself a preorder of Women and Other Angels! It will be releasing later this summer (exact date forthcoming). And go check out the Spotlight page for a little more info on the chap as well as an excerpt!

112th Street Notebook cover reveal and preorder announcement


I am so, so excited to reveal the cover and announce preorders for the next akinoga book! May i present 112th Street Notebook, by poet and artist Krsitjana Gunnars!

Check out the Spotlight page for some more info/to read an excerpt and please go preorder yourself a copy!

I’m really, really proud of this little chapbook, and i cannot wait for it to be out in the world in mid-February!

the autumn of books continues!


Autumn is my absolute favorite season, so it makes a certain kind of sense, i guess, that almost all of the 2020 releases are launching now, literally one after the other. And on that note…

Firstly, thank you to everyone who ordered and preordered Gag Order! Copies are flying out of the shop almost as fast as i can get them bound! akinoga has never published a more resonate or timely collection and i hope it moves you to exercise your right to VOTE, and to vote against trump.

Secondly, i am incredibly excited to announce at Native Tongue vol. 2: spring / summer is now available for preorder!!! I love the space and stillness in these poems. I love sitting with and in them. I love that Jack knows the Alleghenies as intimately as he does.

I am also so, so thankful the amazingly talented Suzanne Onodera agreed to let us use another of her paintings for the cover of vol. 2. Jack’s poetry and Suzanne’s paintings are inexorably linked for me now; i can’t look at one and not be instantly reminded of the other. I am grateful for that pairing, for the enrichment it imparts. May we all be likewise connected.
