It is with great joy that i can say Poems for Two Voices is now (semi-officially) published!!!!
I say “semi-officially” because while i like to have books on hand for the pub date, there’s been a small delay in printing. Plus end of the year holidays and all that. So, that being said, despite Poems for Two Voices being technically published, i am extending the preorder discount until i actually have the books in hand.
If you still want to get a copy for a bit less than normal, THE TIME IS NOW!!! And for those of you who have already preordered, as a token of both appreciation and apology, i’ll be refunding you the shipping cost.
And with this collection, that wraps up the last publishing cohort. Thank you, so much, to all of the authors i’ve worked with over the last couple of years for trusting me with your passion; it has been an unmitigated joy to create your books. And to all of the readers who have picked up copies of said books, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so much. Your support means the world to me.
And now, onto the next publishing cohort! I am VERY excited to introduce you to the next nine writers that have joined the akinoga press catalogue. I’ll be posting their bios over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!