welcome Lee Hodge to the press!


It is with great joy that i welcome Lee Hodge to akinoga press!

Lee Kathryn Hodge is visual artist and writer whose work has appeared in numerous publications including Granta, Puerto del Sol, TriQuarterly, Black Warrior Review, Thrush, and The Tulane Review. Her second chapbook We Make Shapes From Shapes is available from Bent Paddle Press. She has been awarded residences by the Ragdale Foundation and Compound Yellow. She currently teaches writing at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. 

welcome C.W. Bryan and Sam Kilkenny to the press


It is with great joy that i welcome C.W. Bryan and Sam Kilkenny to akinoga press as the first duo-project!

C.W. Bryan is the author of two collections of poetry. His debut chapbook Celine: An Elegy was published with Bottlecap Press in 2023. His first full-length collection, No Bird Lives in my Heart was released by In Case of Emergency Press in 2024. He is currently writing with Sam Kilkenny at poetryispretentious.com.

Sam Kilkenny is a nonfiction writer and poet. He is the author of Tuesday Morning: Poems, published by Bottlecap Press in 2023. He is currently writing with C.W. Bryan at poetryispretentious.com. More of his work can be found on the website. When he isn’t writing, you can find him biking around Atlanta, Georgia like a madman.

welcome Kelly Purtell to the press!


It is with great joy that i welcome Kelly Purtell to akinoga press!

Kelly Purtell is an interdisciplinary artist from Baltimore, Maryland. With a BA in English Literature, Creative Writing, and Sociology and a MA in Social Justice and Human Rights, Kelly is interested in the transformative power of cultural storytelling. Kelly is currently a professor of writing at Stevenson University and lives on a small homestead in West Baltimore with her fiancé, 7 hens, and a cat.

 Kelly has also practiced and performed circus arts and aerial acrobatics for over ten years, and she specializes in textile dyeing and fabrication for aerial applications. She has sewn custom costumes, designed and created one-of-a-kind jewelry and accessories, and shipped custom aerial textiles to all over the globe.

 Although she has “been a writer” since she was able to hold a pencil, Hold Them… and Wonder is her debut poetry collection. Equal parts philosophical, joyful, and queer, she holds these poems close to her heart. She hopes you will, too.

welcome Stephanie Garon (back) to the press!


It is with great joy that i welcome Stephanie Garon BACK to akinoga press as the first repeat writer!

Stephanie Garon received dual science degrees from Cornell University, then attended Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). Her environmental art has been exhibited internationally in England, Colombia, South Korea, as well as across the United States. Her writing has been published in international literary journals and her book, ACREAGE, was published by Akinoga Press in 2021.  She is a Trawick Art Prize winner, Aspen Institute/Social Art  Environmental Art Fellow, Lucid Art Foundation grantee, Hamiltonian Gallery Fellow, a National Park Service Artist-in-Residence, and recipient of a Puffin Foundation Environmental Art grant. 

welcome Tim Paggi to the press!


It is with great joy that i welcome Tim Paggi to akinoga press!

Tim Paggi is a playwright, poet and writer of office horror. His work uses dark humor and cosmic horror to explore issues of identity and free will in American workplaces. He is the author of the novella, “How to Kill Friends and Eviscerate People,” and the poetry chapbooks "Work Ethic" and "Workforced." Currently, he seeks representation for his novel, “Welcome to the Team.” He holds an MFA in Creative Writing and Publication Arts from the University of Baltimore, and lives with his wife in the Johnston Square neighborhood of Baltimore. Find him online here:

welcome Finnegan Shepard to the press!


It is with great excitement that i welcome Finnegan Shepard to akinoga press!

Finnegan Shepard is a trans writer, classicist, and entrepreneur with 1/3 of a PhD in philosophy and 3/4s of an MFA in fiction. He is also the founder and CEO of Both&, and the creator of Limns. Finnegan recently finished a short story collection entitled Tilt and has co-authored a play that debuted in the 2023 NY theater festival. He also gives occasional talks.

welcome Meggie Royer to the press


It is with great joy that i welcome Meggie Royer to akinoga press!

Meggie Royer is a Midwestern writer and the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Persephone's Daughters, a literary and arts journal for abuse survivors. She has won numerous awards for her writing and mixed media art and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize several times. Her newest book, If the Darkness is Lacking, was published in October 2023 by Kelsay Books. She thinks there is nothing better in this world than a finished poem.

some updates!


I apologize for the delay in getting this info out there, but i know have copies of Poems for Two Voices in hand! To everyone who preorderd, you have my deepest thanks! You also should have your copy by now.

To everyone who has yet to buy a copy, what are you waiting for????

Also, this being the new year and the start of a new publishing cohort, for the next few weeks, i’ll be posting the bios and a general welcome to the eight new (and one returning) writers that make up the 2025/2026 akinoga press publishing cohort! I am BEYOND excited for y’all to meet everyone (and to see the amazing books they have in store for y’all). So be on the look-out!!!

poems for two voices is published!


It is with great joy that i can say Poems for Two Voices is now (semi-officially) published!!!!

I say “semi-officially” because while i like to have books on hand for the pub date, there’s been a small delay in printing. Plus end of the year holidays and all that. So, that being said, despite Poems for Two Voices being technically published, i am extending the preorder discount until i actually have the books in hand.

If you still want to get a copy for a bit less than normal, THE TIME IS NOW!!! And for those of you who have already preordered, as a token of both appreciation and apology, i’ll be refunding you the shipping cost.

And with this collection, that wraps up the last publishing cohort. Thank you, so much, to all of the authors i’ve worked with over the last couple of years for trusting me with your passion; it has been an unmitigated joy to create your books. And to all of the readers who have picked up copies of said books, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so much. Your support means the world to me.

And now, onto the next publishing cohort! I am VERY excited to introduce you to the next nine writers that have joined the akinoga press catalogue. I’ll be posting their bios over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!

Poems for Two Voices cover reveal and preorder announcement!!!!!


It it with tremendous excitement that i get to reveal the cover of the last akinoga press book for 2024, as well as the last book of this current publishing cohort: Max Henninger’s Poems for Two Voices!

It is also with a tremendous amount of excitement that i get to announce that preorders for Poems for Two Voices are up and running! And don’t forget to stop by the Spotlight page to get a little more info about the collection/read an excerpt!

Poems for Two Voices will be published on New Years, so make sure you get your discounted copy before the end of the month!


Wheatfield with Reaper cover reveal/preorder announcement


It is with TREMENDOUS joy that i reveal the cover of the next akinoga press collection: Wheatfield with Reaper, a poetic suite by David Capps!

As well as announce that preorders are now open!!!!! You can get your copy at the special preorder discounted price right up until the pub date, Wednesday, November 13th!

And, as always, stay tuned for launch/release event details. Until then, head on over to the Spotlight page to get a some more info about Wheatfield with Reaper and read an excerpt.




Submissions to akinoga press are now officially closed!

To everyone who submitted a pitch, thank you so much! I cannot tell you how encouraging and heartening it is to have an inbox just brimming with amazing projects and concepts. Y’all should be hearing from me in the next couple of weeks regarding your pitch, so keep an eye on your email.

To everyone who missed out on this round, there will be more submission periods in the future!…though, it may be a bit before i open things up again; i really did get inundated with a TON of amazing submissions.




Can you believe that Michael B. Tager’s debut poetry collection launches in just a month?! That’s right! On Friday, April 5th, Pop Culture Poetry: The Definitive Collection will be launching with a book party and salon at Ottobar (upstairs)!

Swing on by at 6:30 to catch all of the amazing readers/performers; it’s going to be a hell of a time!

And please swing on over here to preorder yourself a copy! Preorders will be available right up until April 6th, but i will be sending them out starting in a few weeks, so don’t sleep on getting your hands on a copy early!

And if you’d like a little more info about/an excerpt from Pop Culture Poetry, swing on over to the Spotlight page!

I hope to see you at Ottobar on the 6th!


akinoga press at AWP24!!!1


This is suuuuuuuper late, but i have some wonderful news to share: akinoga press will be at AWP24!!!!!!!

I will be tabling with some wonderful folks from the University of Baltimore’s creative writing and publishing arts MFA. Find us at table 1337, where i’ll be slinging books and talking up the MFA program (it’s where i went and the reason akinoga press exits). Stop by and see us!!!…and maybe even pick up Pop Culture Poetry: The Definitive Collection, Michael B. Tager’s debut poetry collection, before anyone else gets it. Even the preorder folks!


TOUCH / breaks cover reveal and preorder announcement!!!!


I am thrilled, THRILLED I SAY, to reveal the cover of the next akinoga press book and announce that preorders are now available for TOUCH / breaks by poet and writer Dina Paulson!!!!

It has been an absolute dream working with Dina over the past year or so to give this steamy chapbook a physical presence in the world. Check back in for more info about the launch (keep an eye on mid-November), and go grab a discounted copy today (which will be mailed out about a week or so before launch)!

Aaaaaaaaaand head over to the Spotlight page to get some more info about/read an excerpt from TOUCH / breaks!

Pop Culture Poetry cover reveal and preorder announcement


I am BEYOND EXCITED to reveal the cover of Michael B. Tager’s debut full-length collection, Pop Culture Poetry: The Difinitive Collection, which will be releasing on April 9th, 2024.

I’m also beyond excited to announce that it is available for preorder! I know, i know: this is waaaaaay earlier than my usual preorder announcements, but…y’know, be the change you want to see in the world. Or something.

Anyway! Preorders will be shipping out a week or two early (at the end of March) and will also be discounted a bit from $20 to $17, so get a copy while the getting’s good!